Meta-One Project

MTO Metaverse builds and expands a new universe by implementing a new level of virtual reality.
Please use it a lot.



It is possible to buy and sell within virtual city, and it is possible to bring NFTs outside of the virtual city and sell them in NFT marketplace.

• Estate deals are available in the virtual city
• Popular Meta-ani can be purchased in the virtual city
• You can buy NFT art in the virtual city
• Digital fashion items are worn in the virtual city



MTO Metaverse supports the NFT transaction of expensive artworks such as paintings and ceramics of famous artists in MTO's virtual space. Not only expensive artworks but also everyday goods such as cosmetics are supported by NFT transaction. You can also meet and communicate more through various concerts, seminars, and meetings. You can build and trade various buildings in virtual space as following the purpose above.


Meta Token

We create a city and build infrastructures such as life, society, and economy within that virtual space where there is nothing yet.

Meta-One Project

Therefore, the biggest business opportunity is in the "virtual space" called Metaverse in our “Meta-One Project”. This Metaverse has endless possibilities.


The Meta-One Project promises to provide various "worlds" that are more attractive than any other company in the world.


The Registed Office of the Company is situated at the offices of Nobel Capital Group Limited of Room B11, First Floor, Providence Complex, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles

Yoshihiko Saito


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